
A Binary Pulse Studios Blog

When Today Had No Clue What Tomorrow Was

A classic video that shows how, in 1994, Katie Couric and Bryant Gumbel seemed totally dumbfounded by what the Internet was/is. A great chronicle of just how far and fast we’ve come in 17 short years.

Reflections on a Decade

Binary Pulse completed its corporate relocation last week after a full decade at its previous Costa Mesa address. Moving offices or homes is always a natural catalyst for reflection. And this move was no different.

When Content Loses Chronology

Reading the recent news about Barnes & Noble’s financial woes and the suspected complicity of e-book sales in the company’s decline, my belief that the days of the printed book becoming a piece of nostalgia are fast approaching intensified. Regardless of what happens with e-book sales in the future, I think there’s something more interesting at work: the increased dissociation of content from physical form.

Video Closes the Sale

With holidays quickly approaching and a planned visit from my parents, I realized that I didn’t have a bed for our new guest room but really didn’t think about it much until I saw an ad in the Wall Street Journal for an inflatable bed from Frontgate. Kudos to Frontgate for effectively using video to help their website visitors buy from them.

Optimism and Outsourcing

Lately, the Binary Pulse ecosystem of clients, vendors and employees has been discussing the economic outlook. Along with much of the nation, we acknowledge a nascent optimism about the hopes for a return to prosperity in 2010.

The Color of Technology Marketing

Color is clearly one of the most basic elements in any visual branding strategy. Color evokes psychological and even physiological reactions. It reflects things about your company and products in a powerful, unconscious way. Increasingly, technology marketers look to leverage color more fully as a way to create distinction and reaffirm identity amidst an often-homogeneous marketplace.

Better Copy in Technology Marketing. The Benefits Are Clear.

After a morning conference call during which the expression WIFM (“wiff-em”, aka what’s in it for me) was used more times in 10 minutes than most people will use in a year, I was inspired to return to my bully copywriting pulpit to extol the virtues of benefit-oriented copy in technology marketing.

Stay Ahead of the Competition with Multimedia

On the heels of an August that saw us in production on no less than ten multimedia pieces, I thought I’d share a recent video we completed for ourselves. It speaks to our belief in the unique efficacy of multimedia (Flash and online video) in the technology marketing mix.

Multimedia in Email Marketing. Must…Push…the Button!

I came across a particularly simple and effective use of multimedia in an email today that I thought I’d share. Multimedia that runs in email? Not quite. Until technology inevitably allows rich media to stream directly into our email clients, the next best thing is the faux-video trick.

Rallying the Troops – Adopting Internal Social Networking

The widespread proliferation of social networking has inspired companies of all sizes to stand up and take notice. Not just for outward-facing marketing, but for inward-facing communications.