When Today Had No Clue What Tomorrow Was

Classic video worth sharing. Watch how, in 1994, Katie Couric and Bryant Gumbel seemed totally dumbfounded by what the Internet was/is.

Fascinating (and hilarious) time capsule. I’ll let the good people at Singularity Hub provide the commentary.

So…17 years from now…what do you think people will look back at and laugh at how uneducated we were/are?

Why Pre-Production is the Unsung Hero of Commercial Success

In the dazzling world of commercial production, the glitz and glamor of the final product often eclipse the critical groundwork laid during pre-production. Yet, it’s this often-overlooked phase that sets the stage for a commercial’s […]

Better Content Begins with U.R.B.

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EZ-AR Overview Video

When approaching any product overview video, there is typically a creative fork in the road: do we go illustrated/animated or live action? In the case of EZ-AR, the answer was “yes.”


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